You can return any product within 14 days from the delivery date.
If you are a registered customer, complete the online return procedure by entering your account and clicking on "My orders". Click on the "Return product/s" button next to your order code and follow the instructions until your return has been correctly registered.
If you placed your order as a guest, the return request can be submitted by filling the Return Form in the Returns section of our website.
Returns must be shipped using the pre-paid return label provided by Chiara Boni upon filling the Return Form.
Items must be returned in their original condition and in their original packaging.
You can contact our Customer Service if you have any questions.
The returns service is currently at customer charge, except where specifically specified in the Terms and Conditions of Sale. Below the following cost:
- € 15 for Italy;
- € 30 for Europe;
- € 45 for United Kingdom, to be converted to local currency according to the expected exchange rate at the time of refund;
- CAD 90 for Canada;
- $60 for the United States;
- € 60 for Russia, to be converted into local currency according to the expected exchange rate at the time of reimbursement;
- € 60 for all other countries, to be converted to local currency according to the expected exchange rate at the time of reimbursement.
Your refund will be issued once the parcel has been received by our warehouse, the quality check has been carried our by the quality check department and the return has been processed.